What is Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip Replacement is considered as the golden standard for hip arthritis in patients older than 60 years & also the patients who suffer from altered anatomy of the hip. In order to be considered for hip replacement surgery, an individual must meet certain criteria. A doctor must be able to see the injury to cartilage enclosing the joint region. In addition, major indications for hip replacement surgery may include the following:

  • Prolong pain in the joints.
  • No aid from pain medications.
  • Trouble in performing simple activities like walking or climbing stairs.
  • Serious pain during rising from sitting posture.


Hip Replacement Surgery

Aim of Hip Replacement Surgery

The aim of hip replacement surgery is to minimize pain and increase the mobility and role of an impaired hip joint. Hip replacement is recommended after other traditional treatments such as injections, physical therapy and healthy exercises have not worked on the patient.


What happens in a Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip replacement is a procedure in which the orthopedic surgeon removes damaged portions of the patient's hip joint and replaces them with artificial parts. It is a type of surgery done to replace a painful joint. The artificial joint is called a prosthesis. Hip prostheses may be made of plastic, metal, ceramic, or various combinations of these materials. There are primarily two types of surgical approaches that can be performed

  • Anterior approach
  • Posterior approach

These two approaches both have some risk factors & precautions that must be carefully considered while opting for hip replacement.


What is an Anterior Hip Replacement?

The damaged head of the femur is removed and replaced with a ceramic ball & metal stem and the old cartilage is removed from the socket and replaced with a metal socket. A plastic spacer is planted between the ball and socket to allow for a smooth gliding motion. With the anterior approach to hip replacement, the hospital stay is two to three days, the surgical incision is slight to the side of the hip and is upto five inches in length. The muscles around the hip are not cut and the recovery time is generally two to eight weeks. There are no particular precautions that need to be followed. In addition, patients have less risk of dislocation, little leg length discrepancy, less pain and more rapid return to normal activities.


Best Benefits of Hip Replacement Surgery

In terms of benefits for the hip replacement surgery, there are numerous such as:

  • It aids in mending ailments like Osteoarthritis for needy patients.
  • It helps in a decrement of the hip pain along with soreness because of this problem.
  • It is effective in restoring the lost mobility, which gives fewer portions of fatigue and easier motion.


Cost of Hip Replacement Surgery in India?

Availing hip replacement surgery cost in India is very low, especially for overseas patients who seek a high quality of treatment at affordable price. A patient has to pay around $54,000 for hip replacement surgery in the USA, around $18,500 in Mexico, $13,800 in Thailand while he can get world-class treatment for $10,000 in India with the excellent prosthetic implant. Medical services in India are not only economical but at the same instant they are highly reliable.