Importance of PET scan In Cancer Diagnosis

Positron emission tomography (PET) is now a vital cancer imaging instrument, both for detecting and staging, as well as providing prognostic data based on the response. This report aims to analyze the value of PET in the locoregional comprehensively and distant staging of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), illustrates the potential effects of patient management and give a short overview of new applications. PET sets the golden standard for the evaluation of an unknown solitary pulmonary nodule, where PET has proven to be significantly more approximate than computed tomography (CT) in the distinction between benign and malignant lesions. In the testing of metastatic reach to locoregional lymph nodes, PET is significantly more correct than CT, so that invasive surgical staging technique may be omitted in several patients with negative mediastinal PET images. Patients with positive mediastinal PET images experience invasive surgical staging technique, as it remains mandatory because of the chances of false-positive findings due to granulomatous disorders or inflammatory nodes. In the search for metastatic reach, PET is a useful adjunct to conventional imaging. It is due to the finding of unexpected metastatic lesions or due to the removal of malignancy in lesions that are equivocal on traditional imagery. Anyhow, at this time, PET does not restore conventional imaging. Large-scale randomized studies are presently examining whether PET staging will enhance the appearance of lung cancer outcome.

PET Benefits

PET is more beneficial in analyzing pleural effusions. Pleural involvement is relatively common in patients with lung cancer. Differentiation between benign and malignant effusion is vital in determining the resection and use of radiotherapy. Pleural thickening or nodularity on CT scan is suggestive of the metastatic pleural disease. CT is not conclusive of the benign or malignant nature of the pleural diseases. Similarly, MRI scan has failed to show high precision in differentiating benign from malignant pleural effusions. Thoracocentesis may not prove malignancy in 30–40% of patients with truly malignant pleural effusion. In one study, 35 patients with lung cancer and surprising pleural findings on CT underwent PET. Sensitivity, specificity, and exactness of FDG-PET were 89%, 94%, and 91%, respectively. In another study, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were 95%, 67%, and 92%, respectively. The highly negative predictive value of PET in pleural effusions may be of help in lowering the number of repeat thoracoscopic or thoracocenteses biopsies in patients with negative PET findings and benign effusion.

Impact on Staging and Management

PET is an attractive staging instrument because of its ability to define the main tumor as well as distant and local metastases in a single non-invasive test, and because of its overall greater accuracy than standard imaging procedures, hence, the potential impact of PET on therapeutic management and stage designation. The use of PET scan for clinical staging resulted in various stages from the one determined by conventional methods in 27–62% of the patients with NSCLC.
Whether the use of PET enhances the management, NSCLC remains unsettled. There is evidence that PET reduces the requirement for the invasive process by more approximate staging. Whether it seemingly enhances the survival due to stage migration, or whether it truly can improve survival because of some better therapeutic strategies, remains to be determined.

Recommendations for PET in Staging of NSCLC

PET is useful in the evaluation of SPN’s and in the staging of NSCLC patients who are considered to be the candidates for radical treatment and also for cancer treatment in India. As a complementary instrument to CT, PET has become more universal and reimbursed in several countries. The additional primary interest of PET is its ability to assess the locoregional lymph node reach more precisely than CT, to diagnose metastatic lesions that would have been missed on conventional imaging or are located in clinically hidden or hard areas, and to support in the differentiation of lesions that are equivocal following conventional imaging.

Robotic Cardiac Surgery and Its Benefits

In the world of highly updated gadgets and instruments, where precision is the highest priority, the medical field is also facilitated with the most precise and advanced tool called robotically assisted tools. This robotic-assisted tool makes the complicated surgeries much easier and accurate with minimum damage. Robotic heart surgery is done through small incisions or cuts on the chest. Through tiny incisions, robotic technology enables the surgeon to peep in the body in minute details. The arms of the robotic tool allow the surgeon to perform the surgery with enhanced precision. A camera is fixed to one of the arms of the robotic tool. This camera allows the surgeon to view the complete surgery in 3D format from a computer console which has a magnification 10 times greater than the human eye. Robot-assisted surgery offers several advantages over traditional surgery like shorter hospital stays, small incisions and faster recovery.

How Is Robotic Heart Surgeries Performed?

Initially, three incisions are made in the spaces between the ribs which allow the insertion of a tiny camera and other tiny surgical tools to pass through them. These instruments are attached to the robotic arm. Motion sensors attached to the robotic arm allows the surgeon to control the movement of the surgical instruments. The surgeon sitting on the computer console looks through two lenses designed for each eye that displays images from the specialized camera with two optical outputs. Foot pedals allow surgeons to zoom in and zoom out providing precise camera control.

Benefits to Patients

Robot-assisted surgery enables surgeons to perform the more precise operation which proves to be less invasive than conventional cardiothoracic surgery. The robotic-assisted option offers several potential benefits. Some of them are listed below-
  • Less blood loss
  • Significantly less pain
  • Less risk of infection
  • Minimal scarring
  • Faster recovery and returning back to normal activities
  • More precise outcomes compared to conventional open heart surgery

Heart Surgery Cost In India

India has emerged as a hub of millions of patients across the globe who is seeking highest quality robot-assisted Surgery and other cardiac surgeries. India offers supreme quality healthcare coupled with personalized care and hospitality. A new place can be confusing to a medical treatment seeker residing outside of India. But India is for sure the right destination for such patients to avail cost-effective and efficient healthcare treatments. It specializes in helping the patient find doctors and best heart hospitals in India without any tussle. The country aims at providing the best value for money and an unforgettable experience for international guests. A major factor in deciding whether to have robotic heart Surgery is to understand its limitations. Most patients who undergo robotic heart Surgery experience a phenomenal decrement of cardiac pain and a cogent improvement in their ability to perform normal activities of daily living. The heart surgery cost in India is absolutely low and feasible. India is the most preferred destination when it comes to medical tourism.  Select your cardiac surgeon wisely and get the best results with a bonus point of saving a fair amount on the total expenditure.

CyberKnife Surgery - A Modern Method for Treating Cancers and Tumors

The CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery System is a non-invasive alternative to operation for the cure of both non-cancerous and cancerous tumors anywhere in the body, including the prostate, lung, brain, spine, liver, pancreas, and kidney. The Cyberknife cancer treatment – which emits beams of high-dose radiation to tumors with ultimate accuracy – provides new hope to patients worldwide.

Although its name may generate images of scalpels and surgery, the Cyberknife cancer treatment involves no cutting. In fact, the CyberKnife Cancer Treatment System is the world’s first and only robotic radiosurgery system designed to cure tumors throughout the body non-invasively. It gives a pain-free, non-surgical alternative for patients who have surgically complex tumors, or who may be looking for an alternative to surgery.

In What Ways Is Cyberknife System Perfect?

The CyberKnife System is an excellent equipment for many reasons: 

  • First, the CyberKnife System uses image guidance software to track and regularly adjust treatment for any patient or movement of the tumor. This system sets it far ahead of other similar systems. It permits patients to breathe normally and relax comfortably during surgery.
  • Second, some forms of radiosurgery need rigid head-frames that are screwed into the patient’s skull to lessen any movement. The CyberKnife System does not need such extreme processes to keep patients in place and instead depends on sophisticated tracking software, allowing for a much more comfortable and non-invasive treatment.
  • Third, unlike some radiosurgery systems, which can only treat tumors in the head, the CyberKnife System has the extensive reach to cure a broad range of tumors throughout the body, including the prostate, lung, brain, spine, liver, pancreas, and kidney.
  • Moreover, finally, the CyberKnife System’s cancer treatment accuracy is unique. Its ability to cure tumors with pinpoint accuracy is unequalled by other radiosurgery systems and radiation therapy. The CyberKnife System can essentially “paint” the tumor with radiation letting it deliver treatment to the tumor alone exactly, not harming the surrounding healthy tissue.

How Is The Treatment Done? 

CyberKnife cancer treatments involve a team perspective in which many specialists participate. Before the process, the patient is imaged using a high-resolution CT scan, to detect the size, shape, and location of the tumor. After scanning, the image data is digitally sent to the CyberKnife System’s workstation, where the treatment planning starts. A qualified surgeon then uses the CyberKnife software to generate a surgery plan. The plan is used to match the desired radiation dosage to the spotted tumor location while limiting radiation disclosure to the surrounding healthy tissue. Once the treatment plan has been developed, the patient is ready to go through the CyberKnife process. After reaching the CyberKnife Center, patients are comfortably settled on the surgery table. Then the CyberKnife System’s computer-managed robot will slowly move around the patient to different locations from which it will emit radiation to the tumor. Each surgical session will last between 30 and 90 minutes, relying on the kind of tumor being cured. If treatment is being implemented in stages, patients will require returning for additional treatments over many days (typically not more than five), as decided by the patient's doctor. Patients may undergo some minimal side effects, but those go away within the first week or two after treatment.

Cost For CyberKnife Surgery in India 

So far, more than 50,000 patients globally have been cured by the Cyberknife System. Cyberknife treatments cost in India is a much viable option, and while the number of centers offering such treatments is very few, as they are of high quality and technologically advanced.

Several world countries are today emerging as vital centers for medical travelers. In addition to affordable costs, they provide high-quality treatment and facilities. Whatever destination you choose for your cancer treatment, make sure that the place is worth your time, money, effort and the doctors are well qualified to handle your case effectively. If you do not know enough, partner with a good medical tourism source and let them take care of all the things while you sit back and relax!

Effective Treatment for Enlarged Prostate with HOLEP

Prostate gland is a part of male reproductive system, same as the size and shape of a walnut. It is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum surrounding the urethra which is a tube-like structure, carrying urine out from the bladder through the penis. The prostate is likely to get affected with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) or benign enlargement of the prostate (BEP). It is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate causing bladder outlet obstruction and lower urinary tract symptoms in men above the age of 50 years. To treat BHP, several laser techniques are now used, among which holmium laser enucleation of the prostate or HOLEP is the most efficient.   

What Is HOLEP?

HOLEP is one of the most prominent techniques used for treating enlargement of the prostate gland. During this procedure, laser beams are used to precisely remove the obstruction caused in the prostate gland. Complete portion of prostate gland is removed that obstructs the flow of urine. This technique improves urine flow and proves to be everlasting as there is nothing to grow back. The removed tissues can be preserved for further microscopic examinations as well. It is less invasive and most effective method in comparison with other traditional methods.

Symptoms of Enlargement of Prostate

Prostate gland is located just below the bladder surrounding the urethra. Hence its enlargement can probably cause irritation and obstruction in the bladder. The patient might feel the need to empty the bladder frequently, especially at nights. Some may experience difficulty in starting the urine flow or dribbling after the urination ends. One may notice that the size and strength of urine stream decreases.

Advantages of HOLEP over Conventional TRUP

HOLEP has several advantages over the conventional Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TRUP). They are listed below:
  • HOLEP involves significantly less bleeding as compared to TRUP.
  • Chances of recurrence requiring further surgery get reduced with HOLEP.
  • No upper size limit of the prostate that can be removed.
  • Discharge is often quicker in HOLEP as compared to TRUP.
  • Prostate specific antigen usually drops down to low levels after undergoing HOLEP surgery technique.

Effect of Removal of Prostate Tissue

After removing the obstructing tissue from the prostate gland, there will be an immediate improvement in the flow of urine and will keep on improving as the prostate cavity heals. Though the healing process is slow but the patient is able to see gradual improvement in his health and reproductive system.

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate cancer treatment is an intricate process that involves treating cancer present within the reproductive system of men. India never compromises with efforts required to be put in surgical intervention. Surgeons in India are well experienced and highly qualified with whom this surgery is performed by expert hands. Their experiences are something one can count on. HOLEP cost in India may vary depending upon various factors. However, overall expenses including stay, surgery, meals, medications and flight tickets are far less as compared to the western countries offering the same state-of-art facilities for HOLEP procedures. Moreover, costs matter but less when it comes to personal health and well-being of the prostate cancer patient.

For more details on prostate cancer treatment in India, enquire at:

Advantages & Disadvantages of Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spinal Fusion

Weight bearing vertebrae, built for both power and flexibility are spread between the rib cage and the pelvis & are known as lumbar vertebrae. The lumbar region, more commonly known as lower back consists of 5 vertebrae labeled from L1 - L5. Lower back region contains large muscles that support the back and allow movement in the trunk region of the body. These muscles can at times spasm or get strained & which is a common cause of lower back pain. The last two vertebrae carry the most weight and have the most movement making this area prone to injury. These vertebrae are filled with the inter-vertebral disc to cushion in between. Disc in the lumbar region are most likely to get herniated or degenerate causing pain in the lower back region which also sometimes extends in legs and feet.

Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spinal Fusion Surgery

Minimally invasive lumbar spinal fusion surgery slightly differs with the traditional lumbar spinal fusion as it uses the technique of smaller incisions and minimum damage to the surrounding tissues during surgery. This surgery incorporates four small incisions through the abdomen each of the size ½ inches. A small fiber optic viewing camera is used to guide through the incisions at the time of surgery.  Fusion with the screw and rods can be performed through the back using several 1 - 2 inch incisions. Large dilators are used to separate the muscles apart. Once the dilators create the space between the muscles, the screw and rods can be placed through the dilator tubes. The reason which makes this surgery most trending is that this surgery can be performed through patient’s side. The surgeon can make planned incisions directly over the fusion site. Specialized equipments can be used through the dilator tube to remove the damaged inter-vertebral disc or the spinal tumor and replace it with bone graft or metal or plastic spacer. 

Advantages of Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spinal Fusion Surgery

Basic advantage which brings limelight to minimally invasive lumbar spinal fusion surgery is that this technique causes lesser damage to surrounding tissues. There is no cutting and tearing of healthy muscles involved as it happens in traditional spinal fusion surgery which eventually causes extensive pain.  Since these incisions are small, the pain caused due to surgery is less and so is the loss of blood.  Minimally invasive techniques can more gently spread muscles apart and provide easy access to spine. Since the loss of blood is also less during the surgery, there is reduced or no requirement of blood transfusion. Moreover, patients undergoing the minimally invasive lumbar spinal fusion surgery can expect shorter stays at the hospital along with faster recovery.

Disadvantages of Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spinal Fusion Surgery

Main disadvantage is it needs additional time as compared to traditional spinal fusion surgery. The next disadvantage is that not every spine surgeon is able to perform this technique. So it may happen that in some parts of this world people will not be able to use this technique. Another factor adding to disadvantages is that insurance companies still consider this procedure to be investigational surgery and hence do not provide insurance coverage for it.

Effectiveness of Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spinal Fusion (MILSF)

Results of minimally invasive procedures through the abdomen have been not as good as the minimally invasive procedure through the back. Posterior minimally invasive procedure has proved to be much more promising allowing spine surgeons to perform fusion surgery in lesser time with similar fusion rates, less injury and speeding recovery.

Moreover spinal fusion surgery cost is remarkably low in India making it affordable for people seeking spinal fusion surgery.  Approximate cost of this procedure when compared to $85,000 in USA is considerably low accounting for merely $6,300 in India.  All these factors make minimally invasive lumbar spinal fusion surgery in India an outstanding experience.

What is Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip Replacement is considered as the golden standard for hip arthritis in patients older than 60 years & also the patients who suffer from altered anatomy of the hip. In order to be considered for hip replacement surgery, an individual must meet certain criteria. A doctor must be able to see the injury to cartilage enclosing the joint region. In addition, major indications for hip replacement surgery may include the following:

  • Prolong pain in the joints.
  • No aid from pain medications.
  • Trouble in performing simple activities like walking or climbing stairs.
  • Serious pain during rising from sitting posture.


Hip Replacement Surgery

Aim of Hip Replacement Surgery

The aim of hip replacement surgery is to minimize pain and increase the mobility and role of an impaired hip joint. Hip replacement is recommended after other traditional treatments such as injections, physical therapy and healthy exercises have not worked on the patient.


What happens in a Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip replacement is a procedure in which the orthopedic surgeon removes damaged portions of the patient's hip joint and replaces them with artificial parts. It is a type of surgery done to replace a painful joint. The artificial joint is called a prosthesis. Hip prostheses may be made of plastic, metal, ceramic, or various combinations of these materials. There are primarily two types of surgical approaches that can be performed

  • Anterior approach
  • Posterior approach

These two approaches both have some risk factors & precautions that must be carefully considered while opting for hip replacement.


What is an Anterior Hip Replacement?

The damaged head of the femur is removed and replaced with a ceramic ball & metal stem and the old cartilage is removed from the socket and replaced with a metal socket. A plastic spacer is planted between the ball and socket to allow for a smooth gliding motion. With the anterior approach to hip replacement, the hospital stay is two to three days, the surgical incision is slight to the side of the hip and is upto five inches in length. The muscles around the hip are not cut and the recovery time is generally two to eight weeks. There are no particular precautions that need to be followed. In addition, patients have less risk of dislocation, little leg length discrepancy, less pain and more rapid return to normal activities.


Best Benefits of Hip Replacement Surgery

In terms of benefits for the hip replacement surgery, there are numerous such as:

  • It aids in mending ailments like Osteoarthritis for needy patients.
  • It helps in a decrement of the hip pain along with soreness because of this problem.
  • It is effective in restoring the lost mobility, which gives fewer portions of fatigue and easier motion.


Cost of Hip Replacement Surgery in India?

Availing hip replacement surgery cost in India is very low, especially for overseas patients who seek a high quality of treatment at affordable price. A patient has to pay around $54,000 for hip replacement surgery in the USA, around $18,500 in Mexico, $13,800 in Thailand while he can get world-class treatment for $10,000 in India with the excellent prosthetic implant. Medical services in India are not only economical but at the same instant they are highly reliable.